Metalcore Dropouts

2nd Semester

Fit For A King / The Devil Wears Prada

Counterparts / AVOID

Rialto Theatre / Tucson, AZ

February 9, 2024

February 18, 2024

Fit For A King, The Devil Wears Prada, Counterparts, AVOID at the Rialto Theatre, Tucson, AZ

 (by Stephanie Green)

I had never heard of AVOID before we got to the show. Opening for acts such as Fit For A King and The Devil Wears Prada is no small feat, so I hoped they would at least be entertaining. As it turned out, AVOID did not disappoint. They were not only entertaining, they were engaging, and their music evoked the metalcore movement of the late 2000s. This act sparked my nostalgia and was hands-down my favorite of the night.

For as long as I can remember, Counterparts has been on my shuffle playlist. It never ceases to amaze me how metalcore music is such a mainstay. The lyrical sincerity has always rocked me to my core. Never straying from taboo subjects, such as death and depression, Counterparts find a way into your soul. That same spiritual death is represented by their stage presence and ability to involve the crowd. Counterparts allow you to feel all the feelings without guilt or repression.

The Devil Wears Prada has been one of my favorite bands since the first time I heard them in 2005. Since then, Jeremey DePoyster has been one of my favorite stage presences and will likely remain so as long as I keep going to shows. Their music is involved along with their crowd, allowing them to be not only energetic but entertaining to even new fans. The evolution of their music has shown their development as musicians and their eagerness to push the boundaries of metalcore.

Deathgrip” has been a mainstay in my workout playlist since Fit For a King released it in 2016. This is the first time I've had the opportunity to see the band live and I can tell you that they are some of the best stage performers I've ever seen in my 30 years of going to shows. Tuck's (bassist) stage antics, including jumps and spins, make him a photographer's dream. Their music is not only catchy but moving. Their sound makes you want to feel the music, making it tangible. Everyone in the venue was moving along with their melodies, and the sing-alongs were some of my favorite parts of their set.

The Metalcore Dropouts 2nd Semester Tour might be over, but you can catch some of these bands back out on the road real soon. AVOID will be joining Dayseeker on their Spring Tour. Fit For A King will start another headlining tour this Spring. The Devil Wears Prada with be joining Landmvrks for a UK/European run starting this April.

Photo Coverage:

Fit For A King

The Devil Wears Prada
